SUPER Parker 425 LIVE! ONLINE Desert Off-Road Race 2014

Presented by Budweiser & Red Bull LIVE!

Schedule of Events


WEDNESDAY, January 29- 5PM
FRIDAY, January 31- 9AM LIVE! Contingency FANDANGO FRIDAY From The BlueWater Resort & Casino
SATURDAY, February 1- 6AM LIVE! Desert Off-Road Race, The Super Parker 425 From Arizona



Special Rules
For The SUPER Parker 425 2014

Welcome to the exciting Blue Water Resort & Casino SUPER Parker “425”, you are about to embark on another ONLINE Desert Off-Road Race on OFF-ROAD LIVE!  Seven Years Running!
 This information page is very important to you, your team, your support crew , and all others who will be enjoying the event ONLINE! Please read it all the way through . Enclosed you will find a schedule of events  and a vicinity map of the BlueWater SUPER Parker 425.

 We are privileged to be invited guests of the Blue Water Resort & Casino , Colorado River Indian Tribes.

TIME TRIALS - Thursday, January 30, 2014 TIME TRIALS FOR START POSITIONS IS NOT A MANDATORY EVENT!!! The TIME TRI ALS is for two classes only, Class 1400 and Class 1500 . All entries in the Time Trials will start in the order in which they qualify. The Time Trials for start positions is not a mandatory event. Class 1400 and Class 1500 look for special instructions i n your Final Information Packet regarding Time Trials. We are promoting the DOWNTOWN PARKER EXPERIENCE , which is a SHOW & SHINE and fun street festival for the entire family. There is also the Parker Pit Crew Challenge Presented by The MINT 400 & at 5:3 0 pm during the Downtown Experience. Don’t miss watching the best Trick Truck teams compete head to head in an elimination bracket!!! #1 The FIRST thing you do on Friday, January 31, 2014 , is check in at final Drivers/Riders r egistration in the Mohave I & II Room at the Blue Water Resort & Casino. (See Schedule of Events and the Parker vicinity map.) At least one arm - banded person listed on your official Parker “425” entry form must go through Driver registration to be able to tech your vehicle.

The Drivers final registration will be open from 9:00 AM to 5:3 0 PM on Friday, Januar y 31, 2014. #2 The SECOND thing you do on Friday, January 31, 2014, is go to the Tracking Trailer at the beginning of Contingency Row and get your tracking until installed. You will continue with Contingency Inspection , from 9:0 0 AM to 6:00 PM at the Blue Wate r Resort & Casino parking lot (See Vicinity Map). SPECIAL NOTE: The B EST I N T HE D ESERT Racing Association contingency inspectors will be checking very closely to make sure the contingency sponsor’s products are being used by your race vehicle! #3 The THIRD thing you do on Friday, January 31, 2014, is Technical Inspection , from 9:0 0 AM to 6:00 PM at the Blue Water Resort & Casino parking lot (See Vicinity Map. At least one (1) of the entries listed on the official Parker “425” entry form that has their armband on must be with the race vehicle through Technical Inspection . Refer to Tech and Contingency notice enclosed. NOTE: All race vehicles must go thro ugh Technical Inspection!!! #4 The FOURTH thing you must do on Friday, January 31, 2014, is to attend the MANDATORY DRIVERS MEETING ! This MANDATORY MEETING will be at B lue Water Resort Amphitheater at 7:00 PM . “THIS IS A MANDATORY MEETING” - “NO EXCEPTIONS” At the end of the meeting we call 25 random vehicle numbers, there must be at least one arm - banded racer from your team at this meeting. There will be a one - hour (1 - hour) time penalty issued to your team if one per son is not present at this meeting!

Race 1. You may drive your race vehicle around the parking lots of the Blue Water Resort & Casino to get to the Contingency/Tech Staging Area but please DO NOT speed in the par king lots.  2. There will not be a testing or jetting area . Come prepared to race! STAY OFF THE PARKER PYTHON !!! 3. To get from the Blue Water to the Main Pit Area you must drive on the Paved Streets through town. DO N OT TRY TO TAKE THE SHORT CUTS through the highway fence by the airport, if you r race vehicle or your support vehicle are caught going that way there will be a penalty. PLEASE TOW RACE VEHICLES from Main Pit to BlueWater Hotel. 4. The Parker “425” race is a No Pre - Run course . I f you are caught on the Parker “425” course or the Parker Python by any B EST I N T HE D ESERT official or BLM staff the team will receive a severe penalty. Please , everyone stay away from the Parker “425” course!! There will be no pr e - running allowed on th e course, the area is closed as of Friday, January 24 , 201 4 . We want this is to be a fair race for everyone. 5. There will be a Time Trials for CLASS 1400 AND CLASS 1500 start position s on Thursday, January 30 , 201 4 , see enclosed instruction sheet. The instructions will be sent to these two classes only. 6. Starting order will be announced to everyone at the mandatory Drivers meeting at the Blue Water Resort & Casino on Friday, January 31, 2014. 7. All Pit Support Vehicles as well as Race Vehicles must s tay off the B EST I N T HE D ESERT radio frequency of 151.490 MHz , unless you are reporting an emergency. Please!! 8. B EST I N T HE D ESERT will have radio communications . However, we will not have a race vehicle relay set up for the racers or pit crews . If yo u need race information , go to any of the five ( 5 ) Pit Stops and look for the B EST I N T HE D ESERT communications location . (See the Pit Support Book for location.) Also, there will be radio communications locations at the MAIN PIT (by Hay Barns) and at the FINISH ARE A (Ford Mesa) in the parking lot at the Blue Water Resort & Casino. 9. General Tire will be offering Pit Support for all General Tire entries running General Tires at no charge. They will be at Main Pit, Pits 1, 2 and 3.  10. There will be two ( 2 ) paved road crossings on Shea Road plus one (1) for a total of three (3) paved road crossings in the Parker “425” Race. Race vehicles WILL NOT have to stop! 11 . New for 2014: For those of you using Pit 3 - Midway , it is now a “Stationery Pit.” Y our support crew MUST have a Gray Best In The Desert Pit Pass affixed on the windshield. They must be in to Midway by 7 AM Saturday, Feb 1 st , and WILL NOT be able to leave Pit 3 Midway, until 4pm . 12 . For those of you using Pit 4 - Mineral Wash, your support crew MUST have a Gray Best In The Desert Pit Pass affixed on the windshield. They must be by the land closure on Shea R oad by 5 AM Saturday, Feb 1 st , and WILL NOT be able to leave Pit Mineral Wash, until the racecourse is closed, late Saturday night. If any pit crews leave Mineral Wash - Pit 4 before Best In The Desert opens the pit, that crew will be subject to a penalty , and a citation , by BLM Ranger or La Pa z County Sheriff. They will be waiting for them at the aqua duct crossing. 13 . Your pit crews do not need a 4WD vehicle to get in or out of any of the five ( 5 ) Pit Stops. However, Pit 4 Mineral Wash may be a problem after the race is over, because you ha ve to come out on the racecourse. 14 . Tell your support crews not to speed on Shea Road or any County dirt roads in and out of the pit areas, ( 35 mph speed limit! ) Please be safe! The BLM Rangers and LaPaz County Sheriff’s will be out in force. 15 . There is NO pitting on Shea Road, Spectating Only! 16 . Curt LeDuc will conduct a ROOKIE MEETING immediately following the Drivers Mee ting on Friday night, January 31 , 201 4 . If you are new to the sport , or Best In The Desert, PLEASE STAY for this very importan t presentation. Very vital information is presented, for your safety as well as your fellow racers! 17 . You must park at the Pit Stops like the diagram shows for each Pit Stop. Please refer to your Pit Book! 18 . Absolutely no pitting anywhere else on t he course except at the five ( 5) Pit Stops and the Main Pit Area in the pit book. 19 . The rule for Parker “425” race course will be 20 feet from the center of the course markings. 20 . Do not short course!! Please stay on the course except to pass another vehicle! Please do not take short cuts!! All check points in the Parker “425” race are hidden checks . Please do not take short cuts!! 21 . The BLM/Arizona Fish and Game, CRIT Police Officers and Best In The Desert officials will be on the course watchin g for short cutting. If we catch you short cutting you will be disqualified from the race. You must stay on the course! Please! The o nly time you should leave the exact marked course is to pass someone. Please stay on the course! 22 . Please clean your pit area before you leave each Pit Stop. 23 . NO ATV’S, MOTORCYCLES , UTV’s, or BICYCLES ALLOWED IN ANY PIT AREA, EXCEPT MAIN PIT AREA. 24 . Support Crews!! If you hear your race vehicle is broken down DO NOT JUMP in your truck and try to go out on the co urse to help them. Go to the B EST I N T HE D ESERT radio location at each of the 4 Pit Stops & Main Pit and they will tell you what you can do. 25 . If your race vehicle is broken down and you are out of the race , then you will have to wait until the racecour se closes UNLESS a Best In The Desert Official RETRIEVABLE TRUCK can help you. You may find a Best In The Desert Pit Captain to relay to a Best In The Desert Course Official to give you further instructions . 26 . NO CHASE TRUCKS OR SUPPORT VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE RACE COURSE DURING THE RACE. 27 . Special Note: All SUPPPORT VEHICLES must have the number of the race vehicle they are supporting on the right side of the windshield, as well as on the rear window. Please use six (6) inch numbers.
28 . If your team plans on having a helicopter to view from or to follow the race YOU MUST REGISTER WITH A LETTER TO BEST IN THE DESERT, see Rule SEC 8 - page 7 in the Car/Truck rule book.  There will be a meeting to discuss the procedures for your helico pter, at 3 pm, on Friday, Jan . 3 1 st , in the Mohave Rm. A member from your team OR the helicopter pilot must attend, this is mandatory! 29 . All race support vehicles must display a G RAY B EST I N T HE D ESERT Pit Pass on the windshield. You can pick up your Pit Passes at Driver/Rider Registration at the Par ker “425” . Each race entry can have up to eight (8) Pit Passes . You DO NOT need a Pit Pass for the Main Pit. You need a Pit Pass for Pit 1, 2, 3, 4. Midway (Pit 3) is a small pit and we want only necessary support trucks stationed there , please only se n d in what you need to Midway & Mineral Wash , they are “Stationery Pit s. ” 30 . Drive Safe!! Do not go backwards on the course!! No matter what happens!! Think at all times!! 31 . There will be mile markers every mile on the course, starting at Mile 1. The Mile Markers are white. 32 . The course will be marked with Pink Ribbon - Pink Arrows - Orange Danger Marks - Bright Orange Dangers Ahead Signs - Black & White Wrong Way Signs . The Danger Marks will be on the danger area . 33 . The racecourse mileag e between Pit to Pit is as follows: Start to Pit #1 32.0 miles Pit #1 to Pit #2 21.5 miles Pit #2 to Pit #3 37.3 miles Pit #3 to Pit #4 12.7 miles Pit #4 to Main Pit 39 .0 miles All mileage is approximate Car and Trucks : Total Mil eage of Loop – 142 .0 miles - no t counting the Parker Python an d Main Pit – Add a pproximately 8 - miles . You WILL NOT race through the Parker Python at the start. Special Note: Please be on time for all schedule events!! Add 2 1/4 miles for Start - 1 t ime Only - All Classes Remember – ARIZONA TIME Add 8 miles for Main Pit and Parker Python - All Classes Mountain Standard Time! SPECIAL NOTE: All Pit Areas must have a carpet or a gas mat under vehicle while fueli ng. (The black carpets with a rubber back from Home Depot work well.) Also, you must have at least two (2) 10 lb. fire extinguishers with your pit. SPECIAL NOTE: At two (2) random pits there will be a radar gun, manned by a Best In The Desert Official checking, your speed. Anyone speeding will have an automatic time penalty. 25 MPH speed limit in all pits! 34 . ALL Classes will race three (3) laps, with the exception of the following classes: (2) laps only = Class 1700, 1800, 3700, 4400, 5000, 5 100, 7100 . THERE WILL BE A 16 1/2 HOUR TIME LIMIT THE CUTOFF TIME AT THE MAIN PIT WILL BE 9:00 PM THE CUTOFF TIME AT THE FINISH - 1:00 AM! 35 . Race elevation: Start/Finish at 400 - 1000 feet in Parker . Average elevation for the race is 800 feet . 36 . Be prepared for warm weather in Parker , we’ve put in an order for sunshine! But be prepared for cool weather after dark . 37 . GPS plot trail will be on the Official ONLINE Racing website ( on January 24, 2014 (always 7 - days out from every race.) 38 . Please be on time to all scheduled events. Remember, Arizona is on MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME!!! 1 - Hour ahead of PST!

BREAKING NEWS – The BlueWater Resort Parker "425" presented by Impact WILL BE RUN IN SAME DIRECTION as 2013 !

The PARKER PYTHON will be modified a bit this year, which will be easier to navigate for the big cars and trucks, but still as challenging as ever!

CONTINUED FOR 2014 ! The ROOKIE OF THE YEAR was a big success for the 2013 racing year and we will again award the Rookie of the Year for 2014 . A ROOKIE must start and race ALL SIX RACES and the one who fini shes with the most points earned will win the ROOKIE of the YEAR AWARD!! You must register with us by email that you want to be considered for Rookie of the Year!

TIME TRIALS ~ There will be “Time Trials” to determine start positions at 1 pm on Thursday, January 30 , 2014 . The Top fastest vehicles will start in the order in which they qualify in the Time Trials. Onl y two classes will be allowed to qualify for the Top starting positions, Class 1400 and Class 1500. You must be a PRE - ENTRY to participate in the Time Trial event. THE TIME TRIALS IS AN OPTIONAL EVENT , if you do not participate in the Time Trials there w ill be a “Draw” for start positions and you will be placed in the draw order of your class after the participants of the time trials are placed.

WELCOME PARTY, HOSTED ONLINE! BY OFF-ROAD LIVE! ~ Thursday a fternoon, January 30 , 2014 at the BlueWater Resort & Casino; be there and we will announce the results of the Time Trials after the Downtown Parker Experience! Don’t forget to thank MONSTER Mike for the Welcome Party!

COURSE DISTANCE ~ The Parker "425" is 427 - miles for three (3) lap classes and 272 - miles for two ( 2 ) lap classes.

DESIGNATED PITS ~ There are four (4) pits out on the course, plus one (1) Main Pit in Parker. Start to Pit 1 = 29 miles (RM 29), Pit 1 to Pit 2 = 23 miles (RM 52), Pit 2 to Pit 3 = 37 miles (RM 89), Pit 3 to Pit 4 = 13 miles (RM 102), Pi t 4 to Main Pit in Parker = 46 miles (RM 142 ).