"Through The Eyes Of The Desert", Master Ennio Morricone Marathon, Friday, July 10-12, 2020



Today, Saturday, July 11. The Marathon is underway!

A Special Tribute to our Italian Racing Fans
and The Master, Ennio Morricone!

"Through The Eyes Of The Desert", Salute to Ennio Morricone and ONLINE MARATHON LIVE!

Here's Today's Schedule 

 5-9PM Friday Night 
CABO 1000 The First Thousand Mile Race in Baja-Mexico. Locals started the races,
Not the gringos!

9PM Friday-6PM Sunday

The News that started a Revolution

ROME (AP) — Ennio Morricone, the Oscar-winning Italian composer who created the coyote-howl theme for the iconic Spaghetti Western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” and often haunting soundtracks for such classic Hollywood gangster movies as “The Untouchables” and the epic “Once Upon A Time In America,” died Monday. He was 91.

Morricone’s longtime lawyer, Giorgio Assumma, said “the Maestro,” as he was known, died in a Rome hospital of complications following surgery after a recent fall in which he broke a leg bone.Outside the hospital, Assumma read a farewell message from Morricone.

“I am Ennio Morricone, and I am dead”, began the message. In the greeting, the composer went on to explain that the only reason he was saying goodbye this way and had requested a private funeral was: 
“I don’t want to bother anyone”.

In Honor of The Master and our
Wonderful Italian Racing Fans-

OFF-ROAD Network LIVE! Announces! 

The Master, Ennio Morricone Marathon on OFF-Road Network LIVE! Starting on Friday, July 10 at 5PM WEST through July 12.

"Through the eyes of The Desert",
our Marathon will include the Masters work, with Desert Off-Road Racing's Classics ONLINE!

Tune-In at OFF-ROAD Network LIVE! All this weekend>>>

Marathon begins at 5PM WEST on Friday, July 10 Here on OFF-ROAD Network LIVE!