NEWS from Championship Off Road Racing

CORR 2008 racing car counts RED HOT!

The spokesman for CORR, Scott Rehn made public that the numbers of racers this season for Championship Off Road Racing, reflects an evolving off-road racing landscape. "Racers are moving away from desert racing to CORR", Scott said. Mike Smith of Terrible Herbst, echoed the scene, saying, "we can't do it all", reflecting the biggest desert racing team in the west is moving to CORR in a bigger way.

Tony Vanillo on the record for CORR Tech changes

Tony Vanillo, the competition director for CORR, said, "We'll have 30 Pro 2 trucks, 30 Pro Lites and upwards of 60 Super Buggies at the races!" Tony also talked about some of the technical aspects of this years racing. "Friday will be a much bigger race day of the race weelkends for CORR". "Qualifying will take up much of what started as a practice day". More classes may have more than one qualifying heat, simply because of the increasing numbers of racers in each class.

Tony went on to say, Super Buggies sequential tansmissions and the question of Pro 2 and Pro 4 fuel injection systems have been sorted out. Super Buggies transmissions will be scrutinized more this year. Tony clearly pointed out that some of these transmissions would not be allowed.

Four Pro 4 teams would be allowed to run fuel injection systems. All other teams would not be allowed to run fuel injection. In 2009, all fuel injection systems would be outlawed in the CORR series.

Amsoil announces sponsorships

Amsoil announced tonight they are the Official Race Lubricant of the Championship Off Road Racing 2008 race series. Also announced was Amsoil sponsorship for three years of the Scott Douglas racing team from El Cajon, California.

KMC Wheels announced sponsorship

KMC Wheels has announced it is the Official wheel of Championship Off-Road Racing for the 2008 racing season.